PCYC NSW offers indoor archery classes for all ages and abilities, under the watchful eye and instruction from coaches accredited with Archery Australia.
Archery is a great sport of skill, patience, accuracy and discipline. Coming along to a PCYC Archery class is a great way to meet new friends and develop fundamental skills in the sport. Whether as part of a term activity, or a school holiday workshop, we are here as a great entry point into the sport.
Archery is also an approved ‘Active Kids’ sport, meaning you can redeem up to $200 of vouchers to offset class fees. Find out more about Active Kids here [***LINK TO ACTIVE KIDS PAGE***].
PCYC NSW provides accessible recreation facilities and classes in more than 65 clubs and sports centres around the state. Founded in 1937, PCYC NSW is a registered charity, and we rely on support to do the work we do. Choosing to do classes and activities such as Archery at a PCYC club supports us in our mission to empower young people to empower young people to reach their potential and serve as leaders within their communities.